Monday, April 13, 2020

A Little of This . . . and a Lotta That!

Monday afternoon, rainy, overcast, limited in activities . . . sound familiar? What I've found myself doing today is sitting in front of my computer, doing one of the activities I enjoy most: writing. Because I've caught up on a few miscellaneous projects, time is available to talk about what is on my mind today. Trust me, I didn't say what I know . . .just what is on my mind!
Lessons from The Covid
*As much as I despise--yet accept--the Covid-19's restrictions, I've further unveiled the gift of self-discovery, being reminded of how valuable interpersonal communication is to me. For those who know me, of course, I'm a talker. Being able to interact with others is--as I continue to recognize--a key to my happiness. Hearing stories makes me smile, and a variety of my friends can "spin a tale"--sometimes I even believe them! More often, however, I hear stories retold for the umpteenth time, yet I still laugh as heartily as I ever did. Seeing others smile, laugh, get ticked, agree, disagree is all part of the experience. Without those interactions, part of me is put on hold . . . would love to soon head to the Elks, the Tusky VFW, or Limby's and just listen to the talk!
*When I'm teaching students, my effectiveness suffers if I cannot look them in the eyes as I am trying to make my points. The teaching is still going on, but that face-to-face interaction is so difficult to replace. My teaching style is contingent upon constant interaction with my kids. Through the ever-present nonverbals, teachers can see understanding or lack thereof, frustration, anger, or whatever emotion surfaces--I miss that aspect. I'm fairly certain of this: If this mode of teaching persists into next fall, my teaching career will be at the end...don't like to say that, but this dog doesn't want to wade into those waters!
*Sports and its entertainment are quite crucial to my "balance." On a nightly basis, I typically would be watching an athletic activity, particularly this time of year. With basketball and baseball, specifically, on the shelf, I've been watching a bit too much television although I've discovered that binge watching makes me extremely lazy yet it makes for an enjoyable evening. After watching an episode of Cagney and Lacey during the first week of staying at home, I knew rock bottom was not far away, so I graduated to watching Tiger King and McMillions along with so many James Bond movies that I think I could be just like him . . . well, a nice thought anyway. Being the Tiger King, however, is way out of my wheelhouse!
*I'm glad I'm a reader because without that interest, my enthusiasm would be way down in the dumps. At our house, we subscribe to four weekly magazines and three monthly publications, so my interest is heightened when I pick up my daily mail. Additionally, I love books, but I stagger my reading with different genres so getting stale is not an option. Recently, I have read fiction (Delia Owens's Where the Crawdads Sing and Stephen Markley's Ohio--even Gnadenhutten is referenced!); history (Carlotta Walls LaNier's A Mighty Long Way--a story of the Little Rock 9 Civil Rights challenge); Politics (Tucker Carlson's Ship of Fools, Rick Wilson's Running Against the Devil, and Steven Hassan's The Cult of Trump); and Vietnam (Dave Lange's Virginity Lost in Vietnam). For many, of course, reading is not a desirable option; for me, it is my lifeline to understanding the world in which I live. Coupled with reading (and occasional skimming) of The Times-Reporter, The Canton Repository, and The Wall Street Journal (online), I like to think I'm fairly well informed. The truth is that I teach my students that "the sign of an intelligent person is one who views all sides of an issue before voicing an opinion"--I try to live that. I certainly have gone on record as saying that I'm not a Donald Trump fan--I did not say that I am opposed to pre-Trump Republican beliefs. However, my reading in-depth stories and reporting has convinced me that trusting Donald Trump is not part of my character . . .and I used to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I cannot do it anymore. I stress again why: I have read, observed, and listened to many sides of these political debates and many sides of Mr. Trump's character . . .just cannot do it   . . . to me, the dude is a huckster.
*My happy place is really simple: If I'm in my garage cleaning a vehicle or outside mowing grass, a good chance exists that I'm having a great day. For me, those activities are mindless, allowing me to concentrate on the task at hand yet let my mind wander to whatever place it wants to go. I love the satisfaction of beginning with one condition (dirty car or unkempt grass) and seeing it come out a finished product. Similar to a construction worker, I would think, where the builder begins with a piece of ground but at the end has created a permanent structure--have to believe that is one of the more rewarding professions out there!
*My emphasis on physical fitness has been put to the test in these past few weeks. Living by a routine is so much a part of my life. If I don't get busy working out on my basement equipment or running early in the morning, I'll find myself  looking for the chips, the peeps, the Chips Ahoy, or the Skinny Pops, and, as a result,  ol' Too Ton Tony will be emerging from his winter solace when this whole pandemic deal allows more freedom. I know I like to work out, but I also know that I like to eat even more . . . it's a delicate balance (as if I'm delivering breaking news)!
*Most of all, what I have learned is--even though it's a cliché--we need each other. Whether it be family, friends, or just acquaintances, a rhythm exists to our lives that cannot be displaced. We thrive on others' personalities even if it's someone we don't necessarily care for, someone we think the world of, or someone who falls in between--that is the human experience. That, my friends, is what I miss . . . and I need it . . . come on, God, please help free us. I have to think we will come out of this with a different perspective  . . . just hope we can sustain it beyond a month!
*Oh, one other lesson I've discovered about me: I really do miss having a certain female cocker spaniel around here!


  1. Mike--Good read and many of my same feelings. Thanks for the book list. I might take a look. Lastly, I am now a Grandma with Mimi my chosen name. Of course, Emma is in Virginia and we are anxiouly waiting to meet her. And like you, I am deeply missing contact with others. Stay healthy and keep sharing your writing! Sue

  2. Michael,
    Your writing sounds like your talking-- fast-paced,machine gun delivery. So I feel as though we are live and in technicolor. Maybe because I have experienced several "Trumps" in my life, I shared your current feelings the day he came down the escalator. Like you, I don't know what will happen with the student teachers and other students I have been tutoring. This current situation reminds me of Asimov, Vonnegut, or Orwell books. Stay safe and strong.

    1. I appreciate your reading my blog . . . uncertain times for sure. Agree with you in that the future is a bit murky right now . . . take care of yourself.

  3. Mr. Gunther,
    This took me right back to sitting in your class. Thanks for this, and keep it coming. I remind kids, well used to remind kids back when I had them in front of me, that "ALL periods and ALL commas go on the INNNside of quotation marks."
