Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Perception Is Reality . . . Isn't It?

This entry could possibly invoke numerous reactions . . . I look forward to hearing them!

Are educators perceived as professionals?

I would think if any teacher/administrator were asked that question, the response would be an overwhelming "YES!" I would expect nothing to the contrary.  However, if the taxpaying public were asked that same question, I suspect the majority would disagree for a variety of reasons . . . and that is where the disconnect occurs.

To begin this discussion, I must first explain a few key points:

*As my readers know, I am a retired public school teacher; as a result, my occasional bias toward the profession is genuine;
*Many of my friends and acquaintances outside the school building are not educators; thus, their views often conflict with mine.
*As a result of my interactions with both educators and non-educators, I can clearly see that how we (as educators) often view ourselves is not how everyone does . . . and that is why I am exploring this topic.

Writing on this sensitive matter is akin to walking through a field of landmines . . . moving gently forward but knowing possible danger lies ahead.  Let me explore a few timeworn comments I have heard from others:

*You (educators) get three months off in the summer;
*You get holiday vacations;
*You get snow days;
*You get . . . fill in the blank.

I find myself cringing as I write those words, but these are the standard criticisms leveled toward teachers.  While I find myself shaking my head at the aforementioned remarks, I do understand them because the majority of our working world do not always share those work perks . . . they get perks (time and a half, double time,  . . .), but certainly not the same ones as educators. I get that, but, obviously, more details remain to be explored.  While many may attack the so-called easy life that teachers are perceived as living, that has little to do with my focus in this writing.  I am not saying teachers are this and teachers are that and we should show more appreciation toward them; instead, I want to head in a slightly different direction.

The word professional has strong implications; doctors, nurses, and lawyers come to mind when I categorize how most people view professionals because their career choices require exit exams, ongoing education, personal interaction with the public, and, most frequently, confidentiality. Teachers--like doctors, nurses, and lawyers--must meet the same qualifications listed above.  At one time long ago, teachers were highly regarded as professionals . . . but did something happen to alter that? I contend that--in the public's eyes--the answer is yes; in many ways, we as educators have contributed to our own perception.  Being so bold to say that, I must explain my logic:

*Personal Appearance--I admit to being old school with various quirks as a result, but I am a firm believer in the adage of dressing for success.  As a young teacher at Strasburg High School many years ago, I clearly remember my superintendent, Al Osler, gently reminding me that if I wanted to be treated as a professional then I had better dress as one.  Watching my administrators wear suits/sport coats and ties every day was impressive; likewise, watching my male peers wear shirts and ties made an impact.  I am not so naïve, however, as to think that just because a man wears a tie that he is automatically a quality teacher--I get that, and I also do not mean to imply that certain jobs within a school should require a tie (physical education, art, and industrial technology come to mind). What I am saying is that when we do not dress professionally, it merely provides the public with more ammunition to say we aren't professional because we look just like anyone else. I must stress that public schools rely on the support of communities, and those taxpayers are frequently quick to judge us in a negative light, deserved or not.  When I wear a golf shirt to school, I am not so sure that I am sending the signal that I am a professional educator. (Many schools have "dress down days" where employees pay a fee toward a specific charity--I am not talking about those occasional times.) My financial advisors--bankers and investors--wear suits every time I meet with them; my doctor wears a shirt and tie under his lab coat; when I have consulted with an attorney, he is wearing a suit.  My point should be obvious:  If I want to be perceived as a professional, like the aforementioned, I need to at least look the role.  My hunch--with no true facts to support it--is that if the perception is genuine, it will go a long way in influencing my standing within the community as well as with my students.  One other point before I move on:  Female educators who dress sharply ooze with professionalism; knowing that they take considerable pride in how they are perceived--just as with males--plays such an important role in how others view them.

*Public Comments--Human nature seems to indicate that we like to talk; I could probably go out on the proverbial limb and say we like to be heard. How often have we been in a conversation when the other person is already talking before we are done making our point? (Score that as one of my major weaknesses, as my wife tells me repeatedly to shut up and let her finish talking!) As educators, we frequently overstep our boundaries by making public comments that expose us to criticism (been there done that, by the way). Our often openly-stated wishes for snow days, for example, immediately send a negative signal to non-educators because they don't live in the same little world we do. Snow days in their work world are practically nonexistent and require them to find babysitters, to alter their everyday lives . . . ; to teachers, it mostly means a day off (even though we may be grading or preparing how to consolidate our lessons into fewer days) . . . non-teachers don't want to hear about our wishes. Additionally, we are occasionally guilty of sharing a bit too much information; while I attest that this is not peculiar to just the teaching profession, we certainly learn that parents do not want their kids' issues being discussed too openly. With the responsibility of teaching comes the responsibility of oftentimes keeping our personal observations, thoughts, and wishes to ourselves--when we step outside those boundaries, we are risking unnecessary criticism, particularly when we bring it on ourselves.

*Writing Skills--As an English teacher, I am heavily biased about this point.  Simply stated, if we are professionals, we are expected to clearly understand how the English language works and to produce clear manuscripts that are distributed to our students via handouts, to scholarship committee members via recommendation letters, to our students' parents via written communication, and to our administrators and peers via occasional professional correspondence. It boils down to this: Can we write well? Allow me to answer my own question:  Not always. I say that not as a criticism simply because all of us are wired differently--stereotypically, math teachers, for example, are not strong writers.  Their minds are not "word-oriented"; rather, their minds are "number-oriented," thus making them experts in their field. (Conversely, most English teachers are weak in math!) We all know that humans have their niches; it is a rare occasion when someone has the whole package.  However, when the public reads a teacher's correspondence that is poorly written, an immediate negative reaction is triggered.  From my seat, it all comes down to knowing our strengths and weaknesses; when I need help with my taxes, I go to a tax preparer just as when I have a household plumbing problem, I call a plumber.  As a teacher, if I know I am not a good writer, then I need to be sure to have a strong editor who can correct and improve my writing before it meets the public.  When manuscripts are presented, they have to be reflective of competent writers whether we have edited the documents ourselves or whether we have had editorial help. With grammar mistakes, misspelled words, and confusing points present, the reading public is quick to pounce.

I suppose one could read this blog today and be quick to judge me as putting myself on a pedestal . . .  that person would be wrong but not too far off. Maintaining the professionalism of educators is an important priority in my life--I don't want others criticizing us when we have control over certain elements. Facing the facts, I know that various situations arise where we are going to get criticized or perceived unfairly, warranted or not; however, presenting a positive, professional image is under our control, and I contend--paraphrasing my previously-mentioned mentor--if we want to be perceived as pros, then we had better hold up our end of the bargain!

Your thoughts?


  1. I couldn't agree more with this. My favorite is the quote about dressing professionally. My former principal used that same phrase. Ironically she will now be the Superintendent at Strasburg. To the bigger point of perception vs. reality though, you are on point. Especially to the parents and famalies we serve, their perception of us is their reality.

    1. Thanks for reading, Jeremy--I appreciate your feedback!

  2. Excellent article that raises a lot of good points (that I agree with), and those points are applicable to a number of fields, too. I did have to laugh at the initial few paragraphs though, about the "timeworn" biases of teaching, because most of them apply to my job...not MY job as an industrial hygienist, though, "my" job as a government employee. What I actually do doesn't matter; I'm instantly a lump that does nothing but collect tax dollars for my pay while enjoying all of the time off in the world (waiting for that magic assumption to become reality), don't actually have to do anything to keep job, etc. But what the public perceives is REAL TO THEM; it doesn't help that there are the that perpetuate the stereotypes in reality and make it worse. The best any of us can do, though, is to do our jobs and put ourselves out there as who WE want to be perceived as.

    1. Michelle, thanks for your feedback--your final sentence summarizes my take--at a point, we establish our own perception and we focus on achieving it!

  3. I agree that personal appearance, public comments, and writing skills speak loudly to the public's perception of us. (I do think that my age might have something to do with my very conservative views on those topics.) I would add one other component to what I think helps to create non-educators' perceptions of us. They "know" us best from their many years in school as students. Just as we don't really know what it's like to be parents until we have that experience ourselves, so others do not know what it's like to be teachers until they have that experience themselves. And that flavors their perceptions of us.

    I must also share that I do not agree so quickly with one of your statements. "... [S]tereotypically, math teachers, for example, are not strong writers. Their minds are not 'word-oriented'; rather, their minds are 'number-oriented,' thus making them experts in their field." Really? We think the human mind cannot handle both words and numbers (patterns, actually, for a mathematician)? In my career the teachers whose writing skills were not strong were scattered across the disciplines. My friends who were mathematics teachers did, for the most part, write well. Of course, I am sure that I am not reacting to what you say is a stereotypical view of mathematics teachers just because I am a mathematics teacher. :)

    1. Jo, thanks for reading my blog--this started with your encouragement, just so you know! Kudos to you for your observation about parents "knowing" us . . . excellent point. Regarding the math observation, I speak from my own experiences--most of them I have worked with need help with writing--great teachers but lacking confidence in their writing skills. Again, thanks for taking the time to write a response--I will be publishing four more entries every two weeks until the end of May and then I will resume writing in December or so.

  4. I am so thankful that I had wonderful role models to demonstrate the importance of this to me! Believe me, people notice immediately. From students daily rating my tie choice, to staff and parents noticing on the rare occasion in which I do not. I agree, that if we want to be viewed as true professionals we not only need to dress like, but we need to carry ourselves, and speak in this manner. In today's world, big brother is always watching!!!! Just something to think about. Another great post Mike!
